Category: News

Financial Lines Forum 2024 – Interview Dr. Josef Ackermann mit Markus Haefeli in the HZ Insurance

Dr. Josef Ackermann, Financial Lines Forum 2024

Markus Haefeli’s Interview with Dr. Josef Ackermann, former Chairman of the Group Executive Board of Deutsche Bank, conducted as part of the Financial Lines Forum 2024, has been integrated in an article and published by HZ Insurance. Link hier (in German): Joe Ackermann: «There is no bank run in insurance»

Financial Lines Forum 2024 und FL-Night 2024 in Zürich

On 11 April 2024, the annual conference organized and hosted by HSFL, the Financial Lines Forum 2024 (FLF 2024), took place at the Marriott in Zurich, as well as the FL Night on 10 April 2024 at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen. With 315 registrations, the Financial Lines Forum 2024 and the FL Night 2024 the […]

Financial Lines Forum 2023 in Zurich

On June 20, 2023, the annual conference organized and held by HSFL, the Financial Lines Forums 2023 (FLF 2023), took place at the Marriott in Zurich, as well as the FL-Night on June 19, 2023 at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen. The cross-border exchange of German-speaking Europe was central at FLF 2023. Once again, experts and […]

Cyber-Insurance Market – Interview with Markus Haefeli in the HZ Insurance

20230508_HZInsurance Interview Markus Haefeli Cyber Versicherungs Markt Screenshot

Markus Haefeli’s Interview on the Cyber-Insurance Market has just been published on HZ Insurance. Link here: The Cyber Insurance Market is basically working (in German).

Ticking time-bomb “Cyber-war” – Peter Hacker (FLF 2023 Speaker) in the HZ Insurance

HZ Insurance Peter Hacker FLF2023 - Tickende Zeitbombe Cyberkrieg

HZ Insurance published a new interview by Markus Haefeli, with Peter Hacker, one of the speakers at the Financial Lines Forum 2023. Link here: HZ Insurance: Ticking Time-Bomb Cyber-War (in German)

Financial Lines Forum 2023 (incl. FL-Night) – Registration open

The registration to the Financial Lines Forum 2023, the internationale FL-Event in the DACH-Region, is open here: You can expect high-profile speakers, presentations and panel discussions with experts, focus-presentations D&O and Cyber, impulse-talks on Cyber risks and claims developments, client – Insurers Dialogue. Register now!

Nadja Fischer joins HSFL

We are pleased to announce that Nadja Fischer has joined Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG (HSFL) as Operations Executive from January 2023. Nadja Fischer previously spent more than 12 years as Underwriting & Credit Control Assistant at Liberty, a large insurance company with a focus on Financial Lines, and previously completed her training at […]

Financial Lines Forum 2022 in Zurich

On 27 September 2022, after a break due to Corona, the annual conference organised and hosted by HSFL, the Financial Lines Forums 2022 (FLF 2022), finally took place again at the Marriott in Zurich. After two turbulent years with some drastic changes to the Financial Lines insurance offering, dialogue was more important than ever. After […]

First edition: FL-Night 2022

HSFL held the Financial Lines Night (FL Night) for the first time on the eve of the Financial Lines Forum 2022, on 26 September 2022. At the networking event at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen, a apéro-riche was served in the large guild hall. The FL-Night is open to all conference participants and enjoyed great interest. […]

Expert opinion from Markus Haefeli in the Handelszeitung

Handelszeitung - Expertenmeinung von Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner, Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG

The Handelszeitung quoted Markus Haefeli in the edition of 26th of January 2022, emphasizing the importance of D&O Insurance in view of the increase in D&O cases in the last years. Link here: Handelszeitung: Das bringt die Versicherung gegen Manager-Fehltritte

Online article by Markus Haefeli in HZ Insurance

Fachbeitrag von Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner, Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG, in der Handelszeitung

The online version of the Handelszeitung Insurance on Thursday 30. September 2021 published Markus Haefeli’s contribution on Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance: >> Neue Risiken belasten Managerversicherungen.

Expert article by Markus Haefeli in the Handelszeitung

The Handelszeitung published in an article on 23rd of September 2021 Markus Haefeli’s opinion on current topics related to Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance: >>> Mehr Restriktionen bei Organhaftpflicht.

Dr. Cristian I. Duda joins Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines Ltd.

Happy to announce that Dr. Cristian I. Duda is joining Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG (HSFL) as Managing Partner and Chief Digital Officer as of September 2021. After a PhD from ETH Zurich, management consulting in regulated markets with Accenture and leading Digital Identity at the World Economic Forum, Cristian will strongly complement HSFL’s […]

Financial Lines Forum of 15.6.2021 – postponed

The Financial Lines Forum 2021 in Zurich has been scheduled for 15.6.2021 – unfortunately we have to postpone this conference due to the pandemic. There is still a ban on holding such events and travel restrictions between countries as well as internal company restrictions on business travel have an additional limiting effect. We will make […]

Article by Markus Haefeli on D&O market hardening

MarkusHaefeli HZInsurance Marktverhaertung neue Realität

A new article published in the Handelszeitung by Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner at HSFL, looks at the changes in the market for directors and officers liability insurance (D&O). With a certain delay, the hardening of the D&O market has also arrived in the Swiss market. Following our webinar on this topic last September, the article […]

HSFL webinar on D&O insurance with more than 350 participants

The HSFL webinar entitled “D&O – Anatomy of a changed reality” with over 350 registrations brought the German-speaking market together virtually. The expert panel, moderated by Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner at HSFL, focused on the hardening of the D&O market: backgrounds, challenges and the options for action available as well as the outlook for the […]

Article by HSFL on D&O liability in the pandemic

COVID-19 is a human tragedy and the health system is reaching its limits. The economy stands still, financial markets collapse – managers are particularly challenged and exposed. >>> Read the article on Corona & D&O by Markus Haefeli & Peter Schroeder in the Handelszeitung (German only).

Markus Haefeli in the Handelszeitung

Crime Insurance is receiving more attention in view of the latest threats. Read the new article in the Handelszeitung by Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner at Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG and President of the Financial Lines Forum in Zurich.

Rüdiger Kirsch’s article in the Handelszeitung

“Deepfake” is a relatively new phenomenon and a serious threat to companies. Rüdiger Kirsch is a top expert in this field and key note speaker at the Financial Lines Forum 2020 in Zurich. Here is the link to Rüdiger’s recent article in the Handelszeitung in advance of his key note speech on March 25.

Financial Lines Forum 2020: register now!

Following the great success of the Financial Lines Forum 2019 with 170 participants, Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines Ltd (HSFL) is organising the Financial Lines Forum 2020 (FLF 2020), the Swiss conference on financial loss insurance, on 25 March 2020. The invitations have been sent out – you may register here. We are again expecting […]

Financial Lines Forum 2019 in Zurich

Financial Lines risks and insurances need focus and dialogue. This is exactly why we have created a new platform with the Financial Lines Forum 2019 (FLF) in Zurich on 2 April. It was a great success for everyone involved. As organizers, we are overwhelmed by the market’s response and the number of participants: 170 – […]

Roundtable with Kevin LaCroix ahead of the Financial Lines Forum 2019

We were able to win Kevin LaCroix from the USA as Key Note speaker for the Financial Lines Forum 2019 – he is one of the world’s best-known experts in the field of D&O and runs, among other things, the blog “D&O Diary“, which the New York Times describes as “influential” and the Wall Street […]

21. Euroforum Jahrestagung Haftpflicht 2019 in Hamburg

Markus Haefeli, Managing Partner, spoke at the 21. Euroforum Jahrestagung Haftpflicht 2019 in Hamburg January 31, 2019. He represented the Swiss D&O market from the broker’s view discussing status, trends and sharing insights. Learn more:

Senior Advisors to Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines AG

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Peter Ackermann and Dr. Cristian Duda have joined our company as Senior Advisors effective October 2018. Peter serves as a legal counsel of a well-known commercial law firm in Zurich and is the General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer of a leading international asset management group in the […]

Our company goes live

Today has published an article about the start of our company. Click here to read:

FINMA registration

Since 9 May 2018, Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines Ltd has been listed in FINMA’s brokerage register under number 33608. The two Managing Partners Markus Haefeli and Peter Schroeder received the numbers 33610 and 33611.

Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines Ltd. established

Haefeli & Schroeder Financial Lines Ltd was entered into the Commercial Register of Canton Schwyz on 25 April with number CHE-135.785.744 and published in the SOGC on 30 April 2018.